The ELOM provides a dedicated system of hardware and supporting software that enables you to manage your server independent of an operating system, and in lowpower situations. The Sun Fire X4150 and X4450 Servers are shipped with installede ELOM.
The ELOM is composed of four components:
- Web-based interface (requires JavaR v5 or later)
- Command-line Interface (accessed via serial or ethernet using ssh)
- IPMI v2
- SNMP v3
You can access the ELOM using a web browser, secure shell (SSH), or via the Sun Fire server’s serial port. Your server’s default network setting is configured as DHCP for easy access via a web browser or SSH, and the ELOM output is directed by default to the serial port.
ELOM Common Tasks
- Redirect the system graphical console to a remote client web browser.
- Connect a remote diskette drive to the system as a virtual diskette drive.
The ELOM is composed of four components:
- Web-based interface (requires JavaR v5 or later)
- Command-line Interface (accessed via serial or ethernet using ssh)
- IPMI v2
- SNMP v3
You can access the ELOM using a web browser, secure shell (SSH), or via the Sun Fire server’s serial port. Your server’s default network setting is configured as DHCP for easy access via a web browser or SSH, and the ELOM output is directed by default to the serial port.
ELOM Common Tasks
- Redirect the system graphical console to a remote client web browser.
- Connect a remote diskette drive to the system as a virtual diskette drive.
(Web based interface only)
- Connect a remote CD-ROM drive to the system as a virtual CD-ROM drive.
- Connect a remote CD-ROM drive to the system as a virtual CD-ROM drive.
(Web based interface only)
- Monitor system fans, temperatures, and voltages remotely.
- Monitor system BIOS messages remotely. (Not available on SNMP)
- Monitor system operating system messages remotely.
- Monitor system fans, temperatures, and voltages remotely.
- Monitor system BIOS messages remotely. (Not available on SNMP)
- Monitor system operating system messages remotely.
(Not available on SNMP)
- Interrogate system components for their IDs and serial numbers.
- Interrogate system components for their IDs and serial numbers.
(Not available on Web based interface)
- Redirect the system serial console to a remote client. (IPMI and CLI only)
- Monitor system status (health check) remotely.
- Interrogate system network interface cards remotely for MAC addresses.
- Redirect the system serial console to a remote client. (IPMI and CLI only)
- Monitor system status (health check) remotely.
- Interrogate system network interface cards remotely for MAC addresses.
(Not available on SNMP)
- Manage user accounts remotely. (Not available on SNMP)
- Manage system power status remotely (power on, power off, power reset).
- Manage user accounts remotely. (Not available on SNMP)
- Manage system power status remotely (power on, power off, power reset).
(Not available on SNMP)
- Monitor and manage environmental settings for key system components
- Monitor and manage environmental settings for key system components
(CPUs, motherboards, fans).
The ELOM is shipped with one preconfigured administrator account:
User name: root
Password: changeme
The ELOM is shipped with one preconfigured administrator account:
User name: root
Password: changeme
Fundamental Commands
exit --> Log out of the CLI.
version --> Display the version of the ELOM firmware running on the SP.
help --> Display information about commands and targets.
help show --> Display information about a specific command.
create /SP/users/user1 --> Add a local user.
set /SP/users/username Password=password --> Set or change password.
set /SP/users/username Permission=operator|administrator|user|callback --> Set or change permission.
delete /SP/users/user1 --> Delete a local user named user1.
delete /SP/users/user1 --> Delete a local user named user1.
set /SP/users/user1 Permission=operator --> Change the permission level of alocal user named user1.
show /SP/AgentInfo/PET/Destination1 --> Display information about PET alerts Destination1.
show /SP/AgentInfo/PET/Destination1 --> Display information about PET alerts Destination1.
set /SP/AgentInfo/PET/Destination[n] IPAddress=ipaddress --> Change alert configuration.
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on --> Start the host system.
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on --> Start the host system.
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=off --> Stop the host system.
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=gracefuloff --> Stop the host system gracefully.
set /SYS/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=reset --> Reset the host system.
start /SP/AgentInfo/Console --> Start a session to connect to the host console.
stop /SP/AgentInfo/Console --> Stop the session connected to the host console.
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