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Friday, 10 June 2011

Configuring SC on OS Level

***Note: For Solaris systems only***

Maybe your system board was replaced or maybe someone execute resetrsc while you were performing firmware upgrade.
In some occasion, you will need to configure your system console on the OS level.

Here is a quick round of configurations that you have to do.

First of all, you have to check if you have the scadm utility from your /usr/platform directory. If this is missing you have to install the scadm manually.

# cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin
# ls -la scadm

If it is there, let's begin!

1. Setup the admin accounts.

# ./scadm useradd admin
# ./scadm userperm admin cuar
# ./scadm userpassword admin

It's up to you what console password to set. Choose something that is not easy to hack. Remember this is your system console. Access to the console, means access to your whole system.

Then you can proceed on setting the networking.

2. Set the network console's network parameters.

# ./scadm set ip_mode config
# ./scadm set ip_addr
# ./scadm set ip_netmask
# ./scadm set ip_gateway
# ./scadm set hostname reciosys01-con

And lastly, the date settings.

3. Set the date (Just in case it needs to be changed)

To check the current date:
# ./scadm date
Fri Jun 10 10:36:01 2011

To set the date:
# ./scadm date mmddHHMM
# ./scadm date 06101036

Of course for this to take effect you  have to reset the system console.     
# ./scadm resetsc

After you reset ALOM, the serial connection times out on the login prompt after one minute and automatically obtain the console write lock. The user name shows as auto in the showusers. Use the console -f command to regain the console write lock.

Hope this works for you. Cheers!

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