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admin man page

File Formats                                             admin(4)

     admin - installation defaults file

     admin is a generic name  for  an  ASCII  file  that  defines
     default  installation actions by assigning values to instal-
     lation parameters. For example, it allows administrators  to
     define  how  to  proceed  when  the  package being installed
     already exists on the system.

     /var/sadm/install/admin/default is the  default  admin  file
     delivered  with  this release. The default file is not writ-
     able, so to assign values different from this file, create a
     new  admin  file. There are no naming restrictions for admin
     files. Name the file when installing a package with  the  -a
     option  of  pkgadd(1M).  If  the  -a option is not used, the
     default admin file is used.

     Each entry in the admin file is a line that establishes  the
     value of a parameter in the following form:


     All of the parameters listed below  can  be  defined  in  an
     admin  file,  but it is not required to assign values to all
     of these. If a value is not assigned,  pkgadd(1M)  asks  the
     installer how to proceed.

     The valid parameters and their  possible  values  are  shown
     below  except  as noted. They can be specified in any order.
     Any of these parameters (except the mail and  proxy  parame-
     ters)  can be assigned the value ask, which means that, when
     the parameter is reached during the  installation  sequence,
     the  installer  is notified and asked to supply instructions
     (see NOTES).


         Indicates the base directory where relocatable  packages
         are to be installed. If there is no basedir entry in the
         file, the installer will be prompted for a path name, as
         if the file contained the entry basedir=ask. This param-
         eter  can   also   be   set   to   default   (entry   is
         basedir=default).  In  this  instance,  the  package  is
         installed into  the  base  directory  specified  by  the
         BASEDIR parameter in the pkginfo(4) file.


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File Formats                                             admin(4)

         Defines a list of users to whom mail should be sent fol-
         lowing  installation of a package. If the list is empty,
         no mail is sent. If the parameter is not present in  the
         admin  file,  the default value of root is used. The ask
         value cannot be used with this parameter.


         Indicates resolution if the run level is not correct for
         the installation or removal of a package. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check for run level.

         quit            Abort installation if run level  is  not


         Specifies what to  do  if  an  installation  expects  to
         overwrite  a  previously installed file, thus creating a
         conflict between packages. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check for conflict; files in con-
                         flict will be overwritten.

         quit            Abort  installation   if   conflict   is

         nochange        Override  installation  of   conflicting
                         files; they will not be installed.


         Checks for executables which will have setuid or  setgid

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File Formats                                             admin(4)

         bits enabled after installation. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check for setuid executables.

         quit            Abort installation if  setuid  processes
                         are detected.

         nochange        Override    installation    of    setuid
                         processes;  processes  will be installed
                         without setuid bits enabled.


         Determines  if  action  scripts  provided   by   package
         developers  contain  possible  security  impact. Options

         nocheck         Ignore   security   impact   of   action

         quit            Abort installation if action scripts may
                         have a negative security impact.


         Checks to see if a version of  the  package  is  already
         partially installed on the system. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check for a  partially  installed

         quit            Abort  installation   if   a   partially
                         installed package exists.

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File Formats                                             admin(4)


         Determines how to handle installation if a previous ver-
         sion  of  the  package  (including a partially installed
         instance) already exists. Options are:

         quit            Exit without installing if  an  instance
                         of  the package already exists (does not
                         overwrite existing packages).

         overwrite       Overwrite an existing  package  if  only
                         one  instance  exists.  If there is more
                         than one instance, but only one has  the
                         same  architecture,  it  overwrites that
                         instance. Otherwise,  the  installer  is
                         prompted  with  existing  instances  and
                         asked which to overwrite.

         unique          Do not overwrite an existing instance of
                         a  package.  Instead,  a new instance of
                         the package is created. The new instance
                         will  be  assigned  the  next  available
                         instance identifier.


         Controls resolution  if  the  package  to  be  installed
         depends  on  other packages and if other packages depend
         on the one to be installed. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check package dependencies.

         quit            Abort installation if package  dependen-
                         cies are not met.

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File Formats                                             admin(4)


         Controls resolution if  other  packages  depend  on  the
         package  to  be  removed.  Also  determines  behavior if
         registered  products  components  to  be  removed.   See
         libwsreg(3LIB)  and prodreg(1M) for a definition of pro-
         duct components. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check package or  product  depen-

         quit            Abort  removal  if  package  or  product
                         dependencies are not met.


         Controls resolution if disk space requirements for pack-
         age are not met. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not check space requirements (instal-
                         lation fails if it runs out of space).

         quit            Abort installation if space requirements
                         are not met.


         Controls resolution when a datastream package with  sig-
         nature is to be installed. Options are:

         nocheck         Do not verify  package  signature.  This
                         also disables the use of the Online Cer-
                         tificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to vali-
                         date the package's signing certificate.

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File Formats                                             admin(4)

         quit            Abort installation if package  signature
                         cannot be verified.


         Number of seconds to wait before  giving  up  a  network
         connection  when  downloading a package. This entry must
         be a positive integer. If not present, the default value
         of 60 is used.


         Number of times to retry  a  failed  network  connection
         when  downloading  a package. This entry must be a posi-
         tive integer. If not present, the default value of 5  is


         Location of trusted certificates used  when  downloading
         packages over SSL and when verifying signatures on pack-
         ages. This is the  base  directory  of  the  certificate
         location  for  trusted certificates used when validating
         digital signatures on packages.  For  example,  if  this
         setting  is  /var/sadm/security,  then  pkgadd  will use
         /var/sadm/security/pkgadd/truststore,               then
         /var/sadm/security/truststore when searching for trusted
         certificates. See KEYSTORE LOCATIONS  and  KEYSTORE  AND
         CERTIFICATE  FORMATS in pkgadd(1M) for details on certi-
         ficate store format and usage.


         The default proxy to use when installing  packages  from
         the  network.  Currently, only HTTP or HTTPS proxies are
         supported. If this field is blank or  nonexistent,  then
         no proxy will be used.

     rscriptalt=root | noaccess

         Determines the user that will run request scripts.  This
         parameter can have either of the values described below.

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File Formats                                             admin(4)

         See pkgadd(1M) for details on the conditions under which
         this parameter is useful.


             Run request script as user install, if such  a  user
             exists, with the privileges of that user. Otherwise,
             run script as user root, with UID  equal  to  0  and
             with all/zone privileges. (See zones(5).)


             Run request script as user install, if such  a  user
             exists, with the privileges of that user. Otherwise,
             run  script  as  user  noaccess,  with   the   basic
             privileges of the unprivileged user noaccess.

         If this parameter is not present or has  a  null  value,
         the  user noaccess is assumed. Likewise, if this parame-
         ter is set to anything other than the  values  described
         here,  a  warning  is  issued,  and noaccess is assumed.
         rscriptalt is not present in  the  default  admin  file,
         /var/sadm/install/admin/default.  In  this case, request
         scripts are run as the user noaccess.

     Example 1: Default admin File

     The default admin  file,  named  default,  is  shipped  with
     user-, group-, and world-read privileges (444). Its contents
     are as follows:


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File Formats                                             admin(4)


     Example 2: Sample admin file.

     Below is a sample admin file.


     The default admin file is consulted during package installa-
     tion when no other admin file is specified.


         default admin file

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Availability                | SUNWpkgcmdsr                |
    | Interface Stability         | Evolving                    |

     pkgadd(1M), prodreg(1M), libwsreg(3LIB), pkginfo(4),  attri-
     butes(5), zones(5)

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File Formats                                             admin(4)

     The value ask should not be defined in an  admin  file  that
     will  be  used for non-interactive installation (because, by
     definition, there is no  installer  interaction).  Doing  so
     causes  installation  to  fail  at  the  point when input is

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